Mr. Peter Huessy is President of his own defense consulting firm, GeoStrategic Analysis, founded in 1981, and was the senior defense consultant at the National Defense University Foundation for 22 years. He is now the National Security Fellow at the AFPC, and Director of Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchell Institute of the Air Force Association, following 6 years as Senior Defense Consultant at the Air Force Association. Mr. Huessy has served as an expert defense and national security analyst for over 42 years, helping his clients cover congressional and administration activities, and related budget and policy developments, on terrorism, counter-terrorism, immigration, state-sponsored terrorism, missile defense, especially US-Israeli joint defense efforts, nuclear deterrence, arms control, nuclear modernization, defense policy, proliferation, as well as tactical and strategic air power, airlift, space power to the war-fighter and nuclear enterprise matters and such state and non-state actors as North Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Syria, Venezuela and Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Qaeda. This also includes monitoring activities of think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and other US government departments, as well as projecting future actions of Congress in this area. His specialty is developing and implementing public policy campaigns to secure support for important national security objectives.
Since 1983, Mr. Huessy has created, designed and hosted 1750 Congressional breakfast, lunch and dinner seminars on Capitol Hill dealing with missile defense, strategic nuclear modernization, strategic airlift, strategic bombers, space, proliferation, arms control, homeland, port and maritime security and defense policy as well as the security of Israel, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan and other US allies. A prominent speaker featured each year is Uzi Rubin, formerly of the Israeli Defense Ministry.
He lectures at various professional schools and institutions in the DC area including Johns Hopkins, the Naval Academy, the US War College, the Joint Military Intelligence College, the Institute of World Politics and Georgetown University.
For many years he wrote op-eds for the Washington Times under the direction of Tony Blankley.
He now writes also for a number of additional publications including the Gatestone Institute, Big Peace, the Hill, Breaking Defense, the Daily Caller, Family Security Matters, Human Events, National Review, Fox News and Frontiers of Freedom. He has written extensively on the subject of nuclear deterrence, North Korea, missile defense, terrorism, and especially on Iran’s state sponsorship of terrorism and the threats to Israel and the United States. He has written for the JINSA Journal of International Security Affairs as well as InFocus and the ROA Monthly magazine.
He has testified before Congressional Committees and has extensive knowledge of Congress and the Executive Branch of the US Government.
Mr. Huessy graduated in 1975 from the Columbia University School of International Affairs and School of International Affairs and studied at the School of Law, 1973-75. He graduated with degrees in anthropology, international relations and national security policy from Beloit College in 1972, while also having studied from 1969-70 at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea as part of Beloit’s study abroad program. He served as a legislative research assistant/intern to Senators Proxmire (1970) and Nelson (1971), legislative assistant to Senator Gravel (1975-6), Chief Governmental Affairs Officer of the Environmental Fund (1976-79), and Director of Legislative Affairs at the Office of Surface Mining and subsequently special assistant for state relations and international energy affairs to the Secretary of the Interior. In 1980, he went to work for the Reagan defense transition team and for the next 8 years was a consultant to the Reagan administration on strategic nuclear and missile defense matters.
He has also served since 1981 as chief consultant to a group of associated contractors in the nuclear deterrence business, has visited dozens of US military bases to consult and lecture on strategic issues, and has been the chief consultant to the Missile Defense Information Group which he established in 1992, a group of industry leaders involved in missile defense.
He visited Israel with an AIPAC group in September 2009.
He was awarded a Meritorious Achievement Award by the National Defense Industrial Association on June 10, 2009
He is the grandson of Eugen Rosenstock Huessy, a noted Christian and Jewish scholar who was a colleague and friend of Franz Rosensweig, the author of the Star of Redemption. He also grew up with Freya von Moltke, the widow of Helmut James Graf von Moltke, the leader of the Kreisau Circle which during World War II directed the attempted assassination of Hitler in July 1944.
He is on the Board of the In Series Theater in Washington; EMPACT, the organization devoted to protecting the US from EMP threats; and MTA, the Maryland Taxpayers Association. He authored legislation calling for the divestment of US pensions from any company doing business with Iran and testified before a number of state legislatures on this subject and on counter terror policy, including whether or not drivers licenses should be made available to those illegally in the US. He is also a member of Secure American Energy, an organization devoted to breaking the back of OPEC and providing the US with American sources of energy.
He has lectured around the world and across the USA on nuclear terrorism, nuclear deterrence, missile defense, homeland security, counter terrorism policy, and strategic threats to the US and its allies including at the Prague Security Institute.
In 2001, he spoke at the University of Chicago on the relationship between Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Ronald Reagan and the role of our Judeo-Christian Heritage in their lives at the 113th anniversary of the birth of noted scholar Eugen Rosentock-Huessy, his grandfather.